Aged to Perfection


Every Second and Fourth Saturday at 10 am

Anyone 55 or over is invited to join us! 
This is a fun program to let anyone dip their toes into theatre. Come on in - the water is fine!

Who are we?

An active, social group of individuals who are 55+ and have a passion for the theater. We are proud to have members who have been with the group for over 10 years as well as those new to the Traverse City community. We like the mix of old and new as seasoned actors help guide the sessions and pass expertise on to those who are just learning the ropes. We believe in providing a supportive environment where people can learn, grow, and have fun!

What do we do?

We meet on the second and fourth Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM and enjoy reading scripts and learning new skills. Twice or more each year, we put on readers’ theater performances which are open to the community. Most members love to perform, but for those not yet comfortable with that level of participation, there are plenty of supportive roles to fill, from usher to stage manager to running lights and sound and more.

Upcoming ATP Performances

Have we piqued your interest?

If you are interested in meeting new people and/or just checking out ATP, feel free to pop in on any of our Saturday sessions at the Schmuckal Theatre in the basement level of the Old Town Playhouse, or email us at and we will get back in touch.